Planned completion: 2038

Genève, Montbrillant service building

The Montbrillant service building, built in the 1980s, currently consists mainly of areas used by SBB staff.
SBB has chosen to demolish and rebuild the service building due to of the construction of the underground station at Cornavin. By doing so, SBB has the opportunity to avoid occupying land for public use for the building site and impacting significantly on neighbouring residents.
The Montbrillant service building will be used for railway (SBB-PP services) and commercial (office, health and retail spaces) purposes, as well as for logistical access to the station.
The winning Hilfiker project is characterised by excellent spatial and social integration, as well as a very efficient design for rental spaces. Representatives of the City of Geneva and the Collectif 500 group are also supporting the project.
The project is currently under development and is expected to be completed by the end of 2038.

Office icon
7'753 m2
Retail icon
450 m2
Retail icon
600 m2
Location icon
1'490 m2
Location icon
Plot area
2'900 m2


Project phase icon
Start of construction 2033
Project phase icon
Construction ends 2038


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Factsheet (PDF)

Contact person

Giulia Da Corte
Project manager [email protected]