Planned completion: 2038

Genève Cornavin, expansion of the station

In addition to the capacity increase of the Geneva rail hub, which will include the construction of a platform and two additional tracks underground, SBB Real Estate is adapting its commercial offer for passengers (services and shops) at the same time.
In parallel with the rail infrastructure project, which will also include the creation of a large central passage and the redevelopment of the side passages, the City of Geneva is planning to redevelop the entire hub around Cornavin station. This will specifically encompass public spaces, links to adjacent districts, the greening of public space, traffic and parking.
This project will create an urban hub that will facilitate intermodality in the city of Geneva and better harmonise the areas of the district north and south of the station. The commercial areas are expected to be completed by the end of 2038.

Retail icon
3'430 m2
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2'045 m2
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496 m2
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Plot area
8'090 m2


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Start of construction permit application 2027
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Construction ends approximately 2038


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Factsheet (PDF)

Contact person

Giulia Da Corte
Project manager [email protected]